Players choosing to accept Club Invitations 2-3 mins Before the End of Tournament

Hi. Invitations were sent out from my private club (with 24 members) for players to join. A player decided to accept the invite about 3 mins before the end of the tournament and was removed within 30 seconds. We’ve notived that all the club points were already reset to zero and the Perk rewards were in our inbox before the final countdown. Would that player (who joined 3 minutes before the end of the tournament) get the same amount of rewards as the rest of the club although he/she was removed?

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First, all players get different amount Bc it goes according to how much they played.
Second, If you removed player B4 the rewards were put in place then they got nothing…
Third, Sounds like a club hopper who joins just B4 Perks to get the goodies, but they won’t get much Bc they didn’t play all week…
Hope this helps… ; )


They might not get the benefits of the daily perks, but I have a feeling they will get all the perk chests!:confused:


This is absolutely incorrect. Everyone on the team at reset gets all of the chests the team earned, regardless of how much they played.


As an experiment when I was on a rest period, I joined a team Thursday about an hour before reset. I stayed until after the end of the tournament then went back to my (non-productive) rest club. I was able to collect all of the perks even though I had not not contributed to earning them. I do believe however that if you removed a person BEFORE the end of the tournament, they would not get the perks.
Has anyone else experimented with this?


Thanks for your inputs :slight_smile:

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Denise. If they get booted, they get all perks they contributed to as soon as they join another team.


Not completely true, if you remove a member after the reset but before they login on the nee tourney, they do not get the rewards

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@Christel_Simon, if that player earned nothing, they work would get nothing.

I have played with this a lot. If you earn 0 points during the week, you get nothing. I have a screenshot somewhere of the notification that says you didn’t help, so sorry lol.

If you earn a few points, you get all chests that the club earned. This makes them a contributor, however small their contribution is.

If a player earns any points, and gets booted from your club, they can still collect the chests, once they join another club.

I have 4 clubs, and move members around from club to club, depending on how much time they have to play, and the points they earned. They all get their chests - I double check with them occasionally to be sure.


waw thank you for your response :slight_smile:


I have a 2nd account that I often bring in to help with cqs that isn’t on team at reset. For some reason I still get all the chests at event end.

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