Player Spotlight: Pattye M!

I was flying with my 1 yr old twins. The plane hit severe turbulence and the oxygen masks came down from the ceiling. I did the hardest thing I have ever done. I put my son’s down and reached up and put the mask on my face. Then, I managed to get the masks in place on my son’s. The plane landed an hour later. It was the most terrifying experience I had ever had as a mother. It was also the best decision I could have made.


Last time I put myself first was before I had my children. I bought a ticket for me & my friend to ho at watch Bon Jovi in concert


When I was younger my kids came first, then my wife an lastly my job. Mykids are grown up and my wife and I retired to a different state so now I would say my wife comes first and then me.


My kids have always come first but sometimes I get to sneak away for the weekend with my hubby to gatlinburg, Tennessee. We love it up there.


I put myself first to allow me to take care of my mother-I started seeing a counselor to deal with the issues requiring this role reversal…


I’ve never put myself first. I have always taken care of others my whole life. I don’t think I would even know how to put myself first.


I am usually bad about not putting myself first but after I had an emergency c-section I didn’t have any help and was out of state away from friends and family. I was sleep deprived and could barely lift myself up because they cut the muscles in your stomach and it is painful for weeks afterwards. People think c-sections are a joke, the easy way out-no they take longer to recover from and you may not feel pain during delivery but you make up for that afterwards for weeks and then you both end up with thrush because of the antibiotics. So anyways I wasnt able to get out of bed for days and eat, shower, or do anything but sleep and feed my son. Finally I realized if I didn’t make myself get up and take care of myself I was not going to be able to take care of my son.


I’m taking care of my 48 year old sister, born with downs syndrome, since our mother past away 17 months ago. My sister now has dementia & is combative. I now have two aids to help me but overnight it is just her & I. She seems to know when I need to be my best at work the next day & those seem to be the most difficult overnights. Meditation is saving me right now, taking those 20 mins for myself. Prayer helps guide me to do what is best for me & my sister. Love is the key.


When my mother in law went to hospice we had to make sure we could handle the house and her pets to help her anxiety


I don’t believe that I ever have put myself first. I have always put my children first. Still do. Now it’s my grandbabies (5) that I put before myself. Many times I probably should have put myself first. But could never bring myself to do it.


“Take care of yourself first or you’re not going to be your best to take care of others.”


I took care of myself first after quitting my job after a breakdown. It’s been two years and I’m stable with medication, I have lost 3 stone in weight and am taking more care of myself on a day to day basis.


Very good advice and sometimes I follow it but mainly I put others first. Right now I am trying to make a decision that pertains to this exact issue.


I put myself first when I put myself through nursing school so I would be able to provide a better life for my children. I made it through LPN and then associates for RN and I am almost finished with my BSN. I have been able to provide so much for my children due to the step I took for myself.


Does anyone ever put themselves first.maybe I did while battling breast cancer. It’s 20 years since I was 1st diagnosed


Whenever I am ill I try to put myself first and realize that if I don’t get better, I will not be able to take care of my family or play solitaire tripeaks :100::100::100:


I was caring for my mother who had dementia when I suddenly got sick. Turns out I had developed type 2 diabetes. That’s when I learned I had to start taking care of myself first so that I’d be able to take care of her.


last weekend I planned cooked for my 60th birthday party so no one would have to go to any trouble. Fun was had by all!


Making the decision to go back to school with two young children.Tho it was a struggle and they didn’t get as much Mom time as they had before, in the long run I was better able to financially take care of them, which made their sacrifice and me putting myself first worth it.


My health is not the greatest, but I always try to help others