Player Spotlight: Kimberly G.

I love tri peaks❤️Fantastic game


May not be about the game exactly but went into spine surgeon for lumbar surgery and he caught the severity of my cervical spinal cord damage so now I will be having spinal cord surgery first to save (hopefully) my ability to walk and then secondly will have the original lumbar surgery after. This will in turn allow me down time to play a lot of solitaire and help my team out greatly.


A few years back, my husband and I was renting a house from someone who let the house foreclose. Someone from the bank came personally and told us the bad news but said since it wasn’t our fault, they would work with us on giving us time to find a new place to live. Within 2 months, we did and I called the bank to let them know our move date. They asked if we planned to clean the house before moving. I told them yes, why? They said because if you do, we will pay you $6000!! We cleaned the heck out of that house and true to their word, after we moved, I met them to do a walk through and give them the keys, they handed us a check for $6000 in return! It paid our rent at our new place for a few months! It was bad luck into good!


Thank you for having that baby Acpool. A lot of women would have thought it was too hard to raise a child on her own , but you gave that child life and things worked out very well.


I did not realize that when you connect to Facebook you lose all your coins and boosters Etc. So I had to start over from scratch! At first I was devastated. But I recovered and went on to be the leader!!


After surgery, I started playing Wordscapes. Within a couple of months I had finished all the levels and didn’t know what I was going to do with my time as I was not very mobile and frustrated that there were no more levels to play. One day as I was checking to see if they had added any more levels, tripeaks solitaire showed up as a suggestion so I decided to install the game as I have always loved playing solitaire. Well, that’s all it took, I’ve been hooked ever since …initially I was on a team that nobody really played but I was getting invites to join other teams. I was nervous because now there would be expectations, but I finally accepted an invite and now I love the game even more…everyone works together, we cover each other if some have busy life weeks and cheer each other on. I’ve never looked back at that other game…tripeaks was my best choice ever.


I didn’t know about clicking on the boxes under the 1 M coin winners and after 5 of these you get a free medallion.
How do you get 1 M coins anyway. Must be a trick, there are so many winners.


I had same problem was on a good team , well got bumped, but found another club that is more relaxing, and now a co leader


Just a little tidbit if you don’t already know…when you get a club quest that says WIN so many games , replay smaller amt games…


Ce jeu est genial!!! J adore.!


Due to Facebook a few weeks ago had to completely start over. Only then is where I found tripeeks Facebook page with lots of extra to help me in my newest beginning of the game. Still not where I once was but getting there


I had to leave a comment on hopes of winning a bonus. It"s going to turn out great because I know I’m gonna win! :slight_smile:

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I love playing tripeaks. I did break a phone over it too. I am addicted to playing. I look forward to playing everyday.


Tiki Paradise is the 3rd team that i have been on. A friend, Jenny, recommended me to the team leader. What an awesome group of people. We have a team member who speaks French and now a couple of us are able to talk to Claire. Google helps me in changing English into French. Now I have a bunch of good friends


While out on the town with the sister in law, I was playing casino games in a bar and was on loosing streak, I was so ready to go home , after playing my last dollar, and mad at the world, my sister in law said , try my game on my phone , you will make new friends and save money :slight_smile: it was tripeaks ! Absolutely fell in love with it and joined her club for almost 2 years now :slight_smile: lucky for me have saved so much $, and chatt is awsome. Thanks sister in law !


In the beginning I didn’t realize the value of getting all the tributes, but I was obsessed with them, losing all my coins to get them. Then One day I won many coins and bonus cards, because of all the points I had accumulated !! Yay tributes


She broke her phone and found Solitaire TriPeaks on her boyfriends phone! He’s not happy about that but she is!! And as for bad luck turning into good luck, I was talking to a guy in College, I liked his roommate. He said his roommate was thinking about me!?! A bother guy at our table piped up, if he has to think about it, forget him! I married that guy 2 years later! Married for 40 years!


Great story and someone with a dear heart. I loved her tips.

My tip is to always read the game Help and Guide under Menu - I read this 2 weeks after I started playing and my game improved because I learned so much about how to best use the wild cards, how to submit a ticket if links don’t work, and it was win-win for me.


During Hurricane Florence last September I was without power for 8 days. Not being able to keep up with my team members was really hard for me. But I was lucky to have an understanding team leader and team mates who welcomed me back! I have the best team in Go For Gold!!


Great job to all of our tri peak players