Player Spotlight: Jessika D!

I write the song. It speaks to my soul. It makes me smile and dream. It speaks of love and happiness. It makes the whole world sing. By Barry


Stuck in the middle with you by Steelers Wheel…this song reminds me of my childhood, watching my parents play cards and singing to one another!!

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The song that puts me in a good mood is any music I love all of it when I’m feeling down are happy I just put on whatever and get loss in the music :notes:

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Somewhere over the rainbow. Our daughter passed and she was disabled. Now that she is over the rainbow she is free and doing things that she couldn’t do before. It never makes me sad hearing this song knowing she is free.


My Girl by the Temptations


I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston cuz my mom likes the song me and my sister used to sing it to her


Wh Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You I like it cuz she sings It’s so much prettier than my Dolly Parton dead and my mom used to love that song me and my sister you should go to a room and sing it to her

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crazy talk and text on my phone I meant to say my favorite song is Whitney Houston I always love you and I like it because she sings it way prettier than Dolly Parton did and my mom used to love that song when me and my sister were kids we used to go into her room to sing it to her

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Bye bye miss American pie …fun to sing and everyone knows it even my kids learned it!!! Also it is long but easy to sing :notes:


What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong. A simple classic and a favorite of my past mother


What a wonderful “Tribute” to your Father! Your words are spoken eloquently. And it brought out some memories of my own.

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You’ve Got a friend by Carole King. In high school My best friend and I use to listen to the album in her room all the time and hang out. Then we had to move away and every time I heard that song it reminded me of my best friend and how carefree we were then and how much I missed her! Since then we have Found each other on Facebook and have visited each other. We laugh about it now when we use to sit and listen to it, great memories!


Supertramp, Even in the Quietest Moments. or anything by Sopertramp,Infected Mushroom.Led Zepplin. Memories past and present!

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Southern Cross by Crosby Stills and Nash. Love listening to this song when I’m out in my boat

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I’m “WILD” about free wild cards :grin:

Daddy don’t you walk so fast. It’s by Charlie Rich. When I was little, I used to sit on my mother’s lap and listen to that song after my dad left for work in the morning. It was a comforting time with my mother and a song that connects me to my father.


Cant stop the feeling by JT

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Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin. It was the only song that i knew all of the words at the time so i would sing it to my daughter every night. She called it the red bandanna song.


Beyoncé ‘s “Single Ladies” because I always picture Justine Timberlake nailing the dance in high heals, stockings and a tight dance onesie. Can’t help but smile thinking of him dancing so hard :slight_smile:

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No looking back Gospel song, it keeps me focused. It reminds that no matter what lies ahead you can get through it and once you do “There no looking back”

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