Player Spotlight: Claire E!

Pokeno has taught me it is’nt just about winning but having a good time with friends. Not everyone goes home a winner but we all have a good time socializing.


One of my favorite games to play is Sushi Go. It’s a fun, fast-paced card game to play in a group. It teaches you how to strategize while also being super fun. My logical skills have improved from playing this with my siblings.

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Tripeaks. Keeping my aging mind sharp. Supposed to help stave off Alzheimer’s


Battleship was a favorite in our house! My older siblings loved to try to outsmart me where they hid their ships and my mother preferred us playing games (and reading)over watching TV.

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I would have to say Boggle. You have to have speed and know how to spell. it’s one of the games that I played with my daughter when she was growing up to help her with spelling.

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My favorite games are hidden object games, to me they help keep your mind sharp and eyes always looking for the secrets in the world around you.
As for board games Clue has always been my all time favorite. Trying to figure out who did it with what and where. My 5 siblings and I had our own way of keeping track of clues given to you and we got really good at figuring out clues given to others also. We would play for hours day and night. And always had a blast.


Scrabble, teach spelling and strategy skills - mistky do the digital version nowadays but we used to play a lot as a family when I was young

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Chess can be fun or a pain!


My game is Yahtzee, because it requires luck, probability and strategy just like my life.


Playing solitaire tripeaks has taught me the value of teamwork, supporting one another thru good times or bad, and good strategy.

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Scrabble has to be my favorite because I’ve always loved spelling and creating words plus my family is very competitive lol

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Scrabble taught me a lot about strategy and is a fun game the whole family can play

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Card game called 500! Parents taught us as kids and used to take us to PTA/PTO 500 card parties. We’d win things like a bag of sugar, flour, or some other staple item. Life in rural America! LOL!

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Scrabble. I love to read and as a kid we actually read the dictionary so that we could play harder words. My grandmother and I play every chance we get and it strengthens our bond and has taught me patience and kindness. I’ve also learned that you play to win but if you don’t win, you still act gracious and happy for the winner.

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It helps me to take some me time at the end of my day

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I think that it would be a lot like chess

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The game I learned the most from is Monopoly. It thought me how to manage money and real estate.

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Tripeaks is my favorite game. It switches up on you from week to week.

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For me, any type of trivia game is my favorite. You can choose any topic, including people, places, time in history, and the list goes on. It also educates you on topics you never knew about, and your never too old to learn!

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Tripeaks consistently reminds me to slow down, take a breath and enjoy the process

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