Player Spotlight: Chelsea D!

Love the supernatural. Have read every Stephen King book & seen every movie made from his books orscreenplays he has written.

That little weird feeling that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up…are spirits, ghosts or the angels of your lost loved ones.

I’m not afraid of no ghosts!

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Oooh getting creepy our there. The goblins are coming. There’s a definite chill in the air.

Oh, yes -there are ghosts! My Dad got our attention in several ways to make it known he had made it over to the other side! Playing practical jokes, & telling jokes just like he always did! He always was quite the fun character! Just a big kid! Mom finally had to say “OK, Don - that’s enough! We get it! Now, you’re starting to scare me!” Nothing else happened after that! He always did do what my mother said - just like us kids! We ALL knew what the consequences would be, if we didn’t! Even Dad in the afterlife! Haha!

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Oh no! Are you suggesting that Ghost, one of my favourite Patrick Swayze films, is just a load of old fiction?

I once went to see a medium with my mum a message came through for me from my brother what was said no one in the room could have known he said I had his picture out and put it away again and asked me to get it back out as he didn’t want to be forgotten a few days before I went with my mum I had moved house I had shown the picture to a neighbor ( who wasn’t there with me and my mum) and had put it back in the box as I hadn’t finished unpacking I told no one about this it’s up to you what you think but it made me think real hard about the afterlife

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I would love to see a ghost! I do feel like our loved ones that have passed send us signs sometimes!


Yes I di believe ghost :ghost:

Ghosts are real and so are a lot of other things that people like to laugh at! I take it that this person is from Oklahoma , so am I. Does she know of the spook light or the valley of little people?

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I’m a believer, I’ve seen one in an old family picture :eyes:

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Ghosts are real!! I believe!!and I’m not afraid!! I’ll keep saying that over and over… lol

I do believe there are spirits around us. I often smell cigaret smoke when there is no one around me who smokes. I chalk that up to being my deceased father around me. I’m sure our loved ones visit :ghost:.

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Little tickle at the back of your neck when you walk into a dark room…YEP - I’m a Believer!!!

Boo!!! I see you!

Spirits are leftover energy

I have lived with ghost in my house yes I believe

I don’t believe in ghosts but I do believe in the Christmas spirit!

When I lost my child to a stillbirth, I grieved, until a ghost in the form of an old fashioned nurse,with the little white cap, appeared in my room, holding a baby wrapped in a blanket, then I knew he was alright.
After my Dad passed, when they were wheeling his body out, a large hand, just like my Dad’s, came to rest on my back (when no one was there), letting me know that he and my Mom were okay on the other side. My Mom had left us just 4 days earlier.

Absolutely believe in the paranormal.

I do believe but I’ve never seen one myself. Always expected to see one in my house because the previous owner committed suicide in the garage. Just saying…where’s my ghost???