Playing 4 Fun (with a purpose) is looking for 8-10 new tribe members. We are going through a rebuilding process and are looking for experienced players with a passion for the game helping to max club quests, complete perks collect tribitrs and digging for Gold. Chatting and communication are key to being successful in the game! Club minimums are bare minimum and based on a full tribe, 25k club points and 150 tributes weekly. Feel free to message me here or send an invite to join in the game.

Please pick me. I play everyday! My current club stinks

We dropped into gold but you are welcome to join! We have 19 members
Playing 4 Fun

How do I do that? I can’t figure it out

Can you send me a request. Thank you!

Shelly, you are doing awesome with club points.
Can you please work on making the club quest and actively chatting. Thank you.

Hey, you still need a few tributes to max this quest.
It takes all of us to max to complete.