Piggy Bank Question

Did anyone else get picked to try the piggy bank trial? I have mine still and I’ve collected a ton of coins in it. If anyone has opened theirs, did it start from zero again and keep collecting or is it a one time use kind of thing? I’m not opening mine until I know if it will come back. I like it. I hope the makers of the game decide to make it a permanent part of the game for everyone.


I had it, got to 1million then broke it, it DID NOT come back😥I also wish that was still an option I thought that was cool. Except I did get a lot glitches w it…like it staying on my screen blocking cards and popping threw to other screens. Please give me back the bank. Great job holding on to it. It took all I had not to break it,lol


Have not seen this one yet. Interesting.


Is it 1.99$ to break it? That was the cheapest million coins I ever got. How many coins you got saved in there? @Melicious


I haven’t seen that yet. Sounds interesting!

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I’ve got just over 300,000 right now. I really don’t want break it until I’m up in the millions. Maybe billions! Lol I’m just worried it will expire at some point and I could miss out all together since it was just a test run that they only chose a few people to try out. It is super cheap if you let those coins add up in there. I think they should make it a regular part of the game.

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@Terbaer it was a trial run that they randomly chose a few people to try out. It’s really cool. If you ever get a pop up or message in your inbox to try one of their trial runs on something, do it. I’ve had a couple so far.


@Tasha I think mine is $2.69 or something like that. I don’t remember for sure. Maybe you right and it’s less. I’m curious to go look now.


I wish I got chosen to try it haha. Coins are hard to come by and keep!


I also have never seen this piggy thing!


It was a pig on the left of the screen, and every time you played a game a sm amount of coins would go to the pig, coins would even go into the pig when you used a free play. So the more you played the faster you could build coins in the bank, I only had it 1time once I broke it it was gone. Would love to see the piggy bank back :smile:


I have it but mine is 5.99 to open. Seems they’re testing the price point to see what they can get us to pay.

Yes I have a teammate that has it and the $ is 4.99

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I have the piggy bank too, but it’s only for 130,000 coins for $9.99. Not breaking mine!