Perk order 5-4-3-2-1 want to go to 1-2-3-4-5

No one does know how to read… lol that is for sure.

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Did you get to see who was on what perk? It gives the number by the name of player on what one they are on Carolyn

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Yes thank you, Princess. I had never even looked at Perk Order before. So I made it alot harder trying to figure it out. lol
It was one person who continued to play on 3 instead of 6. She either never read chat or she just didn’t care. Since she didn’t follow rule I booted her. I hate to do that to someone who is a player but, if I don’t I get accused of being unfair. Oh well.

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Glad you got to figure it out. It is great to have that. This way you can make sure everyone is where you want them …lol

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