p4p2, p4p3, p4p4 looking for members

p4p2, p4p3 & p4p4 have a spot or two open right now. Join our Menagerie while you can LOL

Read all about our teams here:
Join the Play4perks Menagerie

Let me know here if you request to join :slight_smile:

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I would be interested in joining one of your group, seems that p2p3 has still a few spots. I am new, been playing for a month, but I play almost everyday and I am over 30k average a week. Mind you work might make me skow this down a bit, but I do not see an issue with doing at least 15 k a week. Could I get an invite? My Nick is Marie. Thanks :slight_smile:

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We have a spot or two open in p4p2 right now. Join our Menagerie, you won’t regret it! :smiley:

Read all about our teams here:
Join the Play4perks Menagerie

Let me know here if you request to join :slight_smile:

I would like to join

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Thank you @Jerbed, how many points are you comfortable earning each week?

If you can do 10,000 points a week, we have 1 shot open in p4p2…at the moment. Someone requested to join yesterday, and I accepted their request, but they haven’t joined - so the spot is still open.