Owed boosters from Scavenger Hunt played twice on 04/30/2020

I was allowed to play the Scavenger Hunt TWICE on 04/30/2020, but only received the first set of boosters. I acquired 100,000 coins twice and clicked the “Claim Reward” button once I was done in both cases. The first set of Trap Torches were added to my total, but I have received nothing for the second round. Does anyone know where I can file a complaint so they can investigate this matter. Either they owe me a set of Trap Torches or 100,000 coins. If this does not get resolved, it will only result in unnecessary ugly communication. Thank you to anyone who can help.

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You can open a ticket. Click menu in the upper left corner of the game, click help, click contact us.
They will email you.
Good luck!


Thank you very much for your information. It was very accurate and greatly appreciated. I don’t know if we are supposed to be able to play the Scavenger Hunt more than once a day when offered, but in this case, the system allowed for it. It just didn’t provide the reward. Stay safe and healthy!


Hi!well, firstly welcome to this advice column! We are a community always willing to be helpful.It can be quite frustrating learning a new challenge,but we all have a lot of fun doing it!Good Luc k!Lydia Luckenbill

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You’re very welcome! Might have been a fluke, but you played it and deserve the reward. Let me know what their response is.
Thanks and you stay safe and healthy as well.

I will provide any guidance they give me for the forum to share. It happens occasionally that I have the time to play another round of the daily challenge. When I go into the news area and click on the “News” tab, it will still list the event. When I click on it, it brings it up on the “Quest” board. So, while it may be a glitch in the system, I did spend the coins and effort, and do deserve the reward. Have a great weekend! Thanks again!

Hello Lydia. Thank you for your kindness. Stay safe and healthy!

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