:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:[quote=“Tiki-Tahd, post:1, topic:74197, full:true”]

Remember Finn and Ani? Well… a LOT can happen in a year!

They’ve got THREE kids now (Leprechauns and Fairies mature at an alarming rate), twin toddlers – Flora and Calypso – and one dreaded TEENAGER who’s done something teenagers are known to do. He’s been grounded for pouring cheese into one of the girl’s backpacks.

But tonight he is not home! Where could he be? They need YOUR help to find him!

Thankfully he did leave a note on the kitchen table, in limerick form, Brogan’s preferred way of communication (NOTE: you may either click through the links for a very quick journey, or you may use the linked word as your next clue to figure it out yourself):

Dear parents, good news, everyone agrees,
That schoolwork is important and leads to degrees!
Thus, like a good fairy, I’ve gone to the library,
To learn some tips and tricks and strategies!

“That’s all well and good, said Ani, but just to be sure, let’s check up on him.”
