A mother’s intuition is rarely wrong! The library was closed and nowhere was Brogan!

He’s snuck off somewhere! But HE’S GROUNDED! Where could he be?

Alas, despite their best efforts, Brogan is a teenage boy, and being grounded? Well, that’s just yet another obstacle parents put in your way to teach you how to get around obstacles! Right?

One nice thing about Brogan is that he wants to be a limerickicist. That’s like a lyricist that specializes in limericks, and he writes them about every aspect of his life. He’s… well… not exactly good yet, but he’s getting better, and more importantly, he’s left a few that might help us find him.

Let’s start with the one about his crime he left attached to a magnet on the refrigerator:

If you talk to my dad or listen to mother,
They’ll tell you quite frankly I’ve been a bad brother.
If only they could see, what those twins did to me,
They’d see that of my choices, there simply was no other.

It’s true that the cheese was poured into the pack
But it’s the rest of the story that they both seem to lack
While I may not be clean, those twins can be mean!
And the parents never listen to my worthy feedback!







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:heart: :green_heart: :heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :heart: :heart:

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Great story…do what you are told

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:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: .

:sparkling_heart: :two_hearts: :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart:



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Parents are to be honored and listened to.

The kid is being bullied at school. His parents should sit down and talk to him about what he did. They should talk to him about other ways to retaliate. Talk to him about, and believe him when he tells them that he is being bullied. Try and find away to turn the other cheek as they say, but there is only so many cheeks you can turn until it goes to far. Sometimes paybacks are a bitch.