Number of shovels per dig

In Club competition, why do some players have 20+ shovels? I have only gotten 1 to 3, mostly 2 per dig.


Using your gold star doubler booster will help you get all 3 gold stars when you win a game


Per the above post, you NEED to use streak doublers, boosters, and many times extra cards, wilds or volcanos to get all 24 possible shovels (3 x 8 chances). They don’t come cheap; never have never will. We make it optional to qualify BUT if you do, you must dig a minimum of 10X!!! Slackers get 1 shot then they’re gone! Not fair to those of use who spend a bundle!


Thanks Layla. I usually have to use any boosters I have to try to win. I did not realize the streak card would help me earn more shovels. I will start holding them for the Club Competition. Appreciate your help, thanks!

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Thanks Tracy! I will save those to use for the Club Competition :heart_eyes:


You are very welcome!!

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After you dig there are more games you can play to earn more shovels. There is one game to qualify to dig and then 7 more you can play after digging starts. Dig with shovels you have then play next game. Repeat. Earning up to 3 shovels per game, you can earn a total of up to 24 shovels

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Thanks @Nancy_B. Does the qualification game affect the number of shovels you earn for the competition? I haven’t been concerned about winning that game.

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Since you can qualify without winning, you will not get any shovels. You will have 3 shovels less. If you win the next 7 plays and get all gold stars, you will get 21 shovels total.


Yes. If you lose that game you start with no shovels. You can still get up to 21 shovels with the remaining games. If you will the qualifing game, the number of stars you get = number of shovels you start with. Hope that helps. Good luck!


Yes, thanks :blush: that helps! Still trying to figure out the red star thing. I was advised to use the streak doubler when winning to get 3 red stars.


Thanks so much. Really appreciate the advice :star_struck:


I only use the red star booster to get red stars. I don’t waste my streak boosters on them. Using the red star booster I will still get double the red stars that I would have gotten if I didn’t use it.


On the club competition, the red star booster does not work since all you get on this are gold stars. If you want to get all the gold stars, it’s best to use the streak doubler [if available prior to playing] or use other boosters, though I wouldn’t activate the wave breaker as it can mess up the streak, since it will remove those cards on your table, also you might lose out on being able to use those card/s you need to get that streak.


Good to know. Thanks :heart:

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Thanks for clarifying. I used my streak doubler on a win in the club competition but only got 2 shovels. I was hoping I’d get more.:woman_shrugging:

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Unfortunately using the streak booster is not 100 percent effective/guaranteed, but the likelihood of getting all 3 gold stars is higher, much more so if you have have the golden tiki or have boosters activated before or after you start to play [depending on what’s left on table].


1 star is for winning the game, 1 star is for winning the game before the timer runs out, 1 star is for streaks. You need 3 sets of 5 streaks to get that star or if you have the streak doubler you need 3 sets of 3 streaks. So, are not getting the time star or the streak star? Or a little of each? After you figure that out it will help you determine how to get that 3rd star. Good luck!!


On my team we do the weekend digs are for everyone no minimum shovels
The weekday digs are for hardcore members minimum 20 shovels everyone can pick which dig works for them


Thanks @Suze1. I have never been able to get 20 shovels. Yesterday (Wed) I used all boosters, (but didn’t use the streak doubler) and I got13.