Not able to see club points

Not able to see club points anymore since the new tournament started yesterday. I heard this was being fixed but I can not see total club points like I used to, will that be coming back, I hope.


I certainly don’t want to have to do the math myself, lol. Just give me the total :smiley:

Clicking on the club tournament does have your club points there, at least for me it does

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It is in the tournament page, but you are right, it’s not in the clubhouse for some reason.

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I see it! Woohoo! We’re doing pretty good! Thanks for helping me :smiley:

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Jenny, like you, I can’t see the club points from the leaderboard! I don’t like that one bit…I know I can go to the tournament board to look but I don’t want to have to do that. Anybody got a fix?

That’s a disadvantage to rolling out something to everyone at once, instead of testing it with a number of people first.

I found the easiest way to see club points, from inside the clubhouse, is to tap on the Top Clubs tab, and look at the bottom of the screen.

It might be helpful to post it in chat for the other members until they fix this bug.

I also can not see the club points, although I really wanted to watch how well I played Solitaire yesterday and where I currently stand.

CindyLu, that worked! I hope it is fixed quickly but for now it will do…better than having to go in the league to see.


@solitairelove you can still see where you stand in the club house, right? That hadn’t changed, and is still working ok :slight_smile:

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A quick way to see the team score is by clicking on your portrait and where team name is listed, click view! Wrong tournament league (shows everyone as rookie) but gets the individual scores as well as the total team score!

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