New Shovel Competition

It sucks they’d say to play immediately,; sometimes that’s impossible. There were times I had to refresh the island in order to dig in same hole with other teammates. I have lost a shovel when this competition started, I was fine with that, but recently I have lost shovels after refreshing the island and so have my teammates. Thankfully I don’t force our members to win every play, but losing shovels due to refresh, is rather disappointing.


What they mean by immediately is that you have to use all your shovels first before you can play the next game and earn more shovels


I think the point of the game is getting ignored. It’s ab partnering with your teammates to play shovels and win gold. You block yourself with your own shovels and have to wait for your teammate to dig after you. They only give 3 shovels at a time intentionally so you and your teammates don’t hoarde them and dig all at once. What would be the point of the game if all 25 members on every team had the ability to win all 24 shovels, and then dig all at once?

You don’t lose any shovels by saving them for later. If you DO lose them, that’s a glitch and you should submit a ticket so gsn can fix the bug.

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I’d stop and break down the cost to win and compare it to the potential gems you can win (best case scenario is 1000 gems) first.

To have an actual chance of winning, all 25 must play and must intentionally win shovels (remember shovels only provide the CHANCE to dig gold).
COST: 24k alone just to play all 8 games. You certainly will have to use boosters, doublers, wilds, volcanoes, and buy extra cards to win them.
RETURN: IF you place 1st, you win 1000 gems. Not even CLOSE to breaking even.

INSTEAD think of the comp as just another daily quest “play 1, win 50 gems.” Have 14 members each play 1 game so your team qualifies to compete.
COST: 3k for 1 game
RETURN: Win 50 gems

We get 3-4 comps a week. Personally I’d rather collect 150-200 gems/wk and spend my time and resources elsewhere.


Three times now I have earned 2 or 3 shovels during qualifying, When I hit “next” the “loading” sign comes up and it doesn’t load. Each time I lost all of my shovels. I contacted them and they said there was no problem, basically saying I lied. It is impossible to get a screenshot and they won’t do anything without one.

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There is a problem with earned shovels disappearing.

I lost 4 in the Competition this evening. Each time I left the Competition to wait for a teammate to dig, when I went back I had missing earned shovels.
I spent a lot of coins to win them. Personaly I think the game is a distrctraction from working on club quests, perk progress and club rank. And when you think about it, you spend a lot of coins and use boosters when you play those 7 (8 when you include the qualifying game) games.

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We get 1st nearly every time on the club competition. A few have complained about the amount of coins spent on the 8 games. The way I explained it was this…we get 700 gems for 1st. Thats almost enough to buy a 30 minute free play. With one 30 minute free play you can easily make 80k coins. More than enough to recoup what was spent on the 8 games for the club competition. Now if you don’t have 25 members that know what they’re doing…then yeah probably not worth it

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We’re a top 10 diamond/legend team. We know how to play you. We’ve won 1st 3xs, and come in 2nd or 3rd every other time. Our players are amazing. But you just made my point. IF you come in 1st. That’s a big if. Bc if you don’t, you just had a massive amount of coins and resources to drained. And if you do place 1st, you still can’t even buy the 30m fp. So it’s just not true that you recoup by winning. Also, not every player plays at the level to make 80k in 30min. And lastly, how many boosters, wilds a volcanoes do u use during your fp to make 80k? So I guess I’m confused ab your argument…?

When we stopped pushing for top place and told them to play casually, players started saving all the spent resources and we still haven’t placed under 3rd. Coming in 5th for 50 gems is absolute worst case. Placing last and earning 50 gems for playing 1 game is a win. And hands down it’s better than the loss incurred by going balls to the walls for a shot at 1st place


Yes we know it’s a glitch and have reported it to their support team. Got their generic respond, as usual.

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I did lose shovels last time …
But gainedthem back …when I opened the game they were gone so I closed the game again completely clearing it from my running apps and reopened it …they came back.
So I suggest doing this 1st if you lose shovels.
Because if you choose to play again and earn more shovels they will NOT come back…is my guess…

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Yes I kept getting those after not receiving my 6 chest perks after the tournament reset, so I finally responded with I will be reporting them to the BBB & they responded back IMMEDIATELY saying they sent my chests! Smdh they have changed for the worst and rippng us off!

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I think it should be like a CQ. If you don’t actually dig, you don’t get gems. We have people who qualify, which helps, but they never dig & let us expend resources to give them 700 gems. Not fair.

Me too,customer service said they cpouldnt do anything .Unless I sent photo evidence

Another good thing Tripeaks has dug into the ground! Too many competitions per week!!! Over half our team is boycotting, most permanently. Not even sure if we have enough this time to qualify…not that I care anymore. :frowning_face:


It happened to me 2 times ago. Lost my last shovel. Contacted them and they audited my acct and said they didn’t see it. Oh well it was just 1.

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I was qualifying and had completed it with 3 shovels. The system kept telling me it was still loading for more than 10 minutes, so I “x” out the game. Then it showed me that I had not qualified. Then I was leaving a note on my team board as to what happen and another glitch occurred in the system. The system posted my second message as if it was the first one written. So now, even my message was out of context. Support Devilliers thank me for my assistance and will be passing on the information to their developers. All that is good BUT, he didn’t say ANYTHING about giving me back my coins, booster and wild card lost not to mention those 3 shovels I had earned. I end up having to requalify and that time it cost me MORE and I got only 1 shovel that time!!!

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had the exact same thing happen to me, diane. wrote in to the powers that be to get get the most ridiculous response 3 days later… how “they had looked over all the rewards given and everything was correct” i was so exasperated cuz they obviously did not understand, or not care, what i was saying. after the 3rd time i wrote to them with basically same stupid responses, i gave up… sorry to hear you suffer from same issue. marianne

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Yes, you can dig one hole, leave the dig scene and come back to dig. I do it all the time.


Is this the best strategy to get the most gold?

Looks like the #1 answer is teamwork makes the dream work. Happy digging!

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