New club quests

I totally agree. The new quests are so hard!


I have just told my club I am ok with boycotting the club quests. The last one was play 1600 games with 20 members. And you would get 16,000 coins (something like that). That ran out…now current one is 2000 red stars for 5 free plays. Seriously??? And it’s Sunday…one of the days of the week where they make it nearly impossible to win a game ever!!! Sorry. Until you make these quests doable and rewarding for MOST clubs and not just the Top 50 we won’t be doing them anymore. They may as well not exist just like they didn’t for 6-9 months. However long that was.


More like 2 free plays or 1 wild card! This game has turned money hungry!!


I totally agree. The rewards are not worth the effort and coins needed to conquer them.


Even more annoying when the slider is stuck as ours is today!

This happened to us today, some have win 360 games (20 each) others have play 60 games each. Which means we will never win either quest because there won’t be enough people on each one. Frustrating.


All club quest should be worth more, why kill are coins for 1 wild card? Go back to 40k coins or 5+ wild cards or volcanos.


My team is top 30 and we don’t finish all of them, and the rewards are ridiculous.


my club usually stays around top 500. when club quests were out before, we always completed them, and it really helped teamwork and club mentality. these new quests are ridiculous. apparently they are set up for only the really top teams to accomplish. but i guess that’s not a big surprise. they get their money from the top clubs, not clubs that actually have members with busy schedules, but still play cuz they love the game and camaraderie


Yes, very hard for very little. Last one required 20 members! It was hard enough to get new people excited about the return of something they never had taken away in the ‘club quests’. 14 - 18 members is what I recall from months ago. But 20??? Give us a break in some ways!

Help! So if it’s a club quest that say requires at least 22 people, do 22 people actually have to complete it or do members scores combine so it’s possible to complete a quest with say 24 people playing and say 3 of them get 1/3 of the total required?

22 people each need to do it. Those really suck.

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I wanted them to bring the club quests back, but these new ones are ridiculous. and they are causing tension amongst teammates!

I am on top 30 team, we can not complete club quests 50% of the time. Ridiculous. It is just causing stress between teammates. Please take them away again.

My team currently has 3 different club quests

:slight_smile: sorry should of read more before commenting…

95 games and win 2 wilds

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They actually reimburse you? I had to ask 3 times to get half of what I lost back…hmmm

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