New club players

I’m not sure if I’m doing this right or not, so delete if so, our club is in need of new players. We are a friendly bunch!
“The friend club”
Daily player
21,000 weekly points
210 tributes
Play club quest and chat maxed
We always get all perks!
Thank you!


Your club is invite only as of today I have 27852 club points and 566 tributes needless to say I would finish the week . do they all end Thursday night?

Yes it ends 11pm central time zone, we will be needing new players at that time! Thank you for checking us out! Send a request to join and I will tell the co leaders your name and we will add you!

Hi I requested last night like you said and was told they are full… Might they get in touch if they lose a player . They look like a good fit for me

Tell me what club you are in, I will look it up and find you and invite you!

I’m in Unicorns right now but would like to join The friend club when they have an opening

I looked for you, is ur name Veronica on the game? I did not see you. Try one more time to join our club, even if it says we r full, it will show up as you wanting to come over. Hit the join club button and it will send us an invite! I will accept u!