Need coins? I will help you out!

I’ve seen several posts recently so I figured I would put this out there:

I have a FB group for my club. You can join to send coins. It’s set to private so all of the people listed are active players. Just search tripeaks honest play on FB and send a request. Message me “hi mommy” so I know it’s someone from here and not spam and I will gladly add you so you can earn some coins and send some to my members too. Once I add you feel free to send a friend request to anybody you see listed as a friend on the page. You may need to send a message to them that you play the game. Not all members may add you and it is up to their discretion and yours as well since adding you means you can view their personal FB pages so please do not get upset if someone chooses not to add you. However my group are very friendly so I am sure you will get a few adds!


I am happy to have added and helped several people. I see more people posting needing coins so I am bumping this post. I want to be clear, this fb page is private. I will only add people that message me “hi mommy” with your request, so that I know it’s not a spam fb account. I currently have over 100 fb friend requests I haven’t approved because they didn’t send me a message. If you need coins come join the page!

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Heather andIrineo please add me need coins

Please send a request to Tripeak Honest Play on FB and message on fb “hi mommy” so I know it’s not a spam account and I would be glad to!