Need Ambitious 'Taters (Players)

Couch Potatoes is a team in the gold league. We have moved between diamond and platinum leagues for years, with no desire to be legend. We have a solid team and wonderful leader, Vicky. In short, well respected team, great players. We have fun!

Due to holidays, life and people leaving, we are rebuilding. We ask team members to complete all CQs and repeated failure to max CQs may result in removal. All members must play their share, communicate in chat, and let us know if they will be idle for more than 20 hours. We know life always comes first.

If you wish to work with a team whose members care about each other, communicate, help each other and other teams, and play some great games, please join “Couch Potatoes.”

Hope to see you on the couch! :wink:

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what production minimums are you looking for? … CP and tributes in particular. thx.

Still in need of new player? My team is disbanding. I play daily, max everything, chat with no drama. Send me an invite if interested! Thanks.
Spartan from Aim for the Top