Looking to join a specific club

How do I request to join a specific club by name?

@Connie_Redstrom you can do a search. At the bottom left, tap on Clubs;

  • If already in a club, you would then tap on Clubhouse and go to the DISCOVER tab and do a search and tap club interested in and tap JOIN
  • If you are NOT in club then you tap FIND and do a search, tap the club interested in and JOIN

If not in a club, in search type the name of the club, once you see it click on one of the leaders it will give you the option to request to join

Looking for Twisted Twiins

You can try searching for either just Twisted or Twins a list should come up that you can scroll through. There is a club with that name, but spelled all in lower case, but no ā€œsā€ in twins.

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