Looking for TEAM players-we’re competitive and rebuilding!

Our team “Whats Your Name” is looking for teammates that are interested in playing daily, enjoy engaging with us in chat and are interested in helping us get back to GOLD and beyond! We’re very competitive and are rebuilding after a team dynamics shift. Here are our club rules:

  1. No GUESTS! Pick a name
  2. Must play daily & complete all club quests
  3. Post “maxed cq” in chat
  4. 25 Tributes daily/minimum!
  5. MUST read chats daily. Scroll up each time you log in
  6. 24 hours with no notice is grounds for removal
  7. When competing in a RACE, post QUALIFIED and then post after you raced for the day
  8. During a DIG, constant chat is a MUST

“New” players welcome…we work with you on our group messenger chat to guide you through any questions you may have, tips, etc! Especially work with you before a dig or a race!

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