Looking for some new players and or a Team to Merge with US

Good Morning, This post is looking for a team that like us is tired of not having enough people for quests, shitty algorithms and just fed up in full of having jumpers and non communicators. We are a team of 12-14 we are looking for another team to join forces with us. Our team has been around for a while, we are a family we always have been. We are gold at the moment but would love to go back up a peg. If you feel you want to bring a team or even a few people please join us we just want to play and have fun again without the constant disappointment of losing a stupid quest like red stars or Club Points. Our daily requirement is 2500 points, do all club quests and just have fun we are always family first with good communication. Club name is Quattro Tiki

Looking for a new club.