Looking for a permanent team that plays like a team

I have been playing this game and I enjoy it greatly. My problem is… The first team I joined, there wasn’t enough to qualify for the digs, or to get the free club gift. I was invited to another team where I got my first chance to dig, and was doing pretty well. For some unknown reason I was removed. I play everyday, always play for tributes, always qualify for the digs and races, always click to get the free gift in the gems and online. My only downfall is that I don’t always go into the chat everyday, and when I do, I don’t always say anything. I focus my time in challenges, perks and moving up. If you think I am a good fit for your team, please send me an invite.

Please have a look at ‘Going up’ - I think you would be a great fit for us. Not bothered about chatting, just post when Quest completed, and when digging. Hope you join us.

u neglected to mention what level of oplay u desire…what is your weekly scoring like. will help u find good fit…we require 15k weekly and do your share with quests. dig not required but many do it weekly along with race. platinum team Usual Suspects I am Batman Cj leader if u fit, request join ,will make room. game name ?

Check out RunAways,
Dedicated players who are rebuilding and moving up.

If you are ever looking again Stay to Play is looking for more real team players. We do require 5k daily, club quests always first and foremost, but our members do love the digs. You can say hi when you first join but we do not require you to talk if you do not want to!