Looking for a New Club that makes me feel welcome.

Would love to have you in PJ’s Place. We play for fun, do the competition and quest if possible. Let us know if you will be absent more than a couple of days.

I am in the club, Groovy Livin and sounds like what you are looking for. No pressure, not much chatter. Most play the competition. Have been there over 3 years and have appreciated being able to play and have fun on my own schedule.

Nice Vibe Tribe. No rules, but ply once a week to not be deleted. That is all?

Hi Debbie, I notice your team is full at the moment. If I send a request to join maybe when you have an opening I can join :slightly_smiling_face:.

My name on the invite will be Gemma.

Hi Gemma…I am so excited you are going to join us.
I saw your request to join and I accepted it.
My team was full as I brought in my second account last night to help finish our Club Quest. I have since removed that account.
Looking forward to you joining us today!
Thanks. Debbie

Come join us, we have room. Trying to build a Club that has players playing at least once a day. Skydocs! Great team.

Sheena’s is still looking for new players, if you’re still looking. Come check us out.

I’m looking for a laid back club. I play almost every day and try to be a top player. But I’m not cut throat and I get super busy sometimes. Would like to make a few virtual friends …