Looking for a club that actually plays as a team!

I am in a pretty good club but the problem is, most of the members don’t read the chat and they waste their shovels on the club competition. They NEVER ever finish the tribute treks or the tribute trapper club events, for some reason we can’t get 14 members out of 25 to participate. They don’t seem to understand that the tributes are what earns the team the most points and helps everyone’s individual score. I am very frustrated by this. In the Team competition, most just waste their shovels by digging all over instead of working together on individual holes. I also participate in all club quests, club race and club gifts. Any takers? I play every day, morning and evening, sometimes during the day depends on my work day.

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Hi Neva,
please consider joining ‘Going up’ - we are a 5 Perk team that completes most Tribute quests. While we do have the odd wild digger, we mainly work together on just 2 or 3 squares at a time. Hope you feel we are what you are looking for.

Yummy Mummies is looking for a few more players. We’re Gold leaque. We want players who Communicate, play what they’re qualified for, & yes- work with other players to use shovels to best advantage. If you can play every day & help us with our quests, check us out! We’re private, so you’ll have to make a request.

Hello. I’m the Leader of Rocks. platinum team and we have about 20 players that play like a team. We have 5 that I will cycle out once we find replacements. If you would like to play for Rocks please send request. Minimum requirements. Tributes and club points and if you dig or play boat race then dedicate yourself until finished.

I’m the leader of New York Yankee. You sound like a perfect fit for this team We finish all the quests except when the special quest needs 450k and we finish all tribute quests, provided we have 24 players. We don’t play the competition because we feel it’s a waste of coins. But we do race and everyone who races plays as a team. Check out our team New York Yankee and send me a request if you’re interested.

OnceUpon A Tiki is a diamond ranked team. We dig with a good strategy and are always looking for motivated team players to join us. Digging and boat race is optional. We require 7k/day and tribute club quests.

Please come to Mama’s we need good players

I agree with you! The group I’m in has never qualified for the competition so I’m unfamiliar with what shovels are. I’ve never seen any of the group free daily prizes received. I’m always playing through out the day, with the exception of this week as I’m moving.

Please check out orangekitty! We read chat and play as a team for competitions. We’d love to have another daily player likeyou.