Limit on Points for each perk per day?

Hey guys, this is my first post so bare with me.

Does anyone know if there is a certain amount of club points each player can earn towards on perk each day?

For example, if I am staying on perk 6, and I earn a certain amount of points(random number—5,000), will any other points after 5,000 stop going towards that perk until the next day starts?

Or is there an unlimited amount of points you can earn in a day for that perk.

If not, do you know where there other points you have earned go?

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Hi! Pele’s perks 1-7 you there is no limitations. It is the team quests that have the limit, example earn 4000 club points to earn 3 play, requires 20 players. When you earn those club points, it gets added to the progress bar AND it also gets added to the perk you are working on at the same time. Which means once you achieved 4000 club points, a check mark appears on the progress bar meaning any further club points you earn continue going towards the perk you currently are on. Once the perk # is lit up green, means it is completed than your points are added to the next perk in your lineup


You can only get 60,000 coins a day when their is more 5han that it goes on the next day

@Bobbie78, that is how many coins you can collect each day. Your club points are added to a perk until the perk is complete. There is no limit on the amount of club points earned. If a perk requires 150k club points, one person could conceivably earn all of them, tho it is usually not the case. @Emily_Martinez, I hope that answers your question.