Imagine never getting booted! 👢 Play4perks has an opening

Hi all, we have 4 clubs that requires different levels of points and activity. Depending on how much time our members have to play, they can move up or down and participate accordingly.

We have an opening in Play4perks, and one in p4p2 right now.

Find out more about our club requirements here:

Join the Play4perks Menagerie


Just remember to be careful about what you do and be supportive towards your members

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Thank you @Tigger4234, I always try to be supportive of our members.

If they are having a couple slow days, I know life happens, and make exceptions for that. If life happens a lot, we have teams where our members can feel useful and appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Would like a spot n play4perks or p4p2 if there is still room. Please!