I am unable to find directions to Referral Links?


            ♧  • Referrals/Petitions? •  ♧

:clubs:︎ I was just curious if there was a possible way to refer friends or family in exchange for a reward please? I could really use some insight on secret tips that could better help me please for I am learning as I go.

:clubs:︎ Also, if we cant refer, who can be contacted to possibly petition for a NEW Referral Program? I tried to look and even searched the forum, but came to no avail. Perhaps I need special tips about things not so typically easy to find?

:clubs:︎ Feel free to let me know if you have advice or need any help at all! Thank you in advanced and wishing everyone The Best of Luck!!!

:clubs:︎It’s been such a pleasure to meet everyone and I hope to see some new Friend Requests hopefully! :wink:

Best Regards,

                        ♥︎ Katt ♥︎ 

I don’t know anything about referrals but U said something about friend request, and I’m trying to figure out how to send a friend request !? To U !! :100: