I am in search of an active & fun club

I am not new to TriPeaks. However, I am starting all over with a new account. I am only on Tide Pool Lagoon (for now) but I am an active player. (3k/80T in <12 hours today) I’ve been in 3 clubs and… yawn! BORING! No chats, no active players, no team effort! I know it’s kinda hard to find a club at the level I am currently on but will ya take a chance on me?

Team Lee would love to take a chance on you. We will be in search of 5 new players after tonight. Our rules are 21K per week, mo idle time over 18 hours. We try to have chats at times but with people working and such it is difficult. Club will be made public tonight/tomorrow morning. Message me of interested.

Friendly 10000 would definitely love to have you

we are active and very friendly chatty club

Hello! Have you already joined a new club?

@Daniel_Parker @Riley_Myres
Thank you kindly. I found a group… so far so good. But if not…