help with old account

how do I retrieve an old account? I’ve tried numerous ways and still nothing works.

Was your old account linked to Facebook?
If it was not, do you have the device you were playing on?
If it was a guest account not linked the only way to get it is through that particular device.

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If Scopely did just ONE thing to actually help its customers, it would make it MUCH easier to access an old account. I, too, have one that is ‘lost.’ It was linked to Facebook; however, I’m still not able to find it…and the device is long long.

Hey, Scopely!! Check out how Big Fish deals with ‘lost’ or ‘dead’ accounts. It’s an easy, peasy merge AND - unlike Scopely and TriPeaks - you can do it more than once WITHOUT having to be linked to Facebook!!

Scopely: F minus rating
Big Fish: A+ rating