Have you tried the Club Shop? What do you think?

Have you checked out the Web Shop? What do you think? Do you have any questions about it? This is the place to ask, and if you’re “in the know” already, then feel free to answer!

If you haven’t visited yet - you can see it here: https://play.solitairetripeaks.com.

And you can read all about it here: Introducing the All New Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks Web Shop!

The Web Shop is where you will find the best deals on your TriPeaks needs, plus you’ll earn Loyalty Points. Did you know that you can access the Web Shop from your laptop or PC, too? It makes browsing super easy, and your purchases show up in the game the next time you log in.


Will double club gift points boxes be available there? I appreciate the daily freebie. Thank you.


I love it I like the daily freebie


I bet they will be. The x2 gifts as the available right now

Tiki Solitaire TriPeaks


I actually didn’t even check to see if they were available a few days ago. The prices are much better on there, I hope they won’t be raising the prices


I use the 8 or 10 times, but gave up. At least half of the time, something got screwed up and the rewards I had purchased did not appear. Then ensued multiple back and forth emails while I tried to have my purchase added to my account.

Despite the lower cost and the loyalty points, it’s just not worth it to me.

What upset me is if I miss a day I can’t go back and collect the gift! That’s ridiculous if you ask me

I have a question for the shop.>ts nice we get loyalty points when we buy through the shop. But only packages they have are to which are kinda expensive. So why can’t we get loyalty points when we purchase threw the game. Because we are buying what we need to help us in the game. These are the important things we need. They also have more packages to offer. I like the new web page but we should get credit for everything we buy.


I I’ve never seen any loyalty points for any purchases

@Elaine_Carmichael the loyalty points are in the web shop, here:


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I go to the club shop every morning for the gift and also to activate the free gift for the club. Today I was supposed to get 3 wild cards for Father’s Day and didn’t receive them :smiling_face_with_tear:wondering why?

I thought the web shop was really cool I love the discount but unfortunately my products never showed up and I had to go to refund so I hope they work at the glitch so I can do more shopping

I wish I read this before I placed an order. Hope it doesn’t take too long for them to get back to me.

I couldn’t receive my welcome gift. Can we ask for a new welcome gift? Or cover the cost? Can anyone help on this subject?

Hi everyone who couldn’t get your welcome gift. I didn’t get mine at first either, but I found if I signed in with FB or Scopely on the webshop website first, then I was able to get my welcome gift. Fingers crossed that works for you too!

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I think it sucks crazy expensive so NOT worth the money!