Good player looking for platinum club

@Shanna8274, bank week is when the only requirement for that week is to collect and send coins, collect daily perk rewards, along with watching the volcano.

Tipsy Tikis does one every 6 weeks to allow the team members who need to build up coins and boosters, a week of no playing to do do just that. Most can collect a million coins that week. We always have other team members who don’t need to, work to complete perks so there is also a payout of chests at the end of the week. Those weeks we still complete at least 5 perks.

We find some just need a breather from the game. Whatever the reason, it’s offered.

We also reward players a free bank week of their choosing, each year they are on our team.

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Hey all we are a platinum team looking for 4 players that know how to dig, communicate and complete quests. :slight_smile: