Global time for all daily features.

It would be great if every daily feature in the game, such as asking friends for help, receiving help coins, daily bonus, kahuna bonus, ads - operated on the game clock that tells us how many days: hours: minutes are left in the week.

This would save having to wonder “if I open my daily bonus now, does it count as today or did I wait too late & now it’s tomorrow?” We would just know if we want our daily bonus, we need to collect before the game day is done.

Kahuna has a problem with timing also, & if he operated on global time, he might become available for everybody (but I honestly don’t know how many other kinks they have with that feature)

This would make it easier for asking friends for help too, because if I don’t get on the game at the same time every day, I end up asking friends for help later & later every day until I just can’t stay up that late & have to wait until morning, so I miss a day. :frowning:

I think this would simplify the game for the players & for the programmers.


Agree. I don’t have the Kahuna, but we do have a member that lives overseas. She is always worried about the time lag as we have daily minimums to be met.


It would be so much easier that way, Cindy Lu.


Ok, we need 103 more likes on this post, so if the Tripeaks people are watching, they see this is a good suggestion LOL.

Last night I collected my daily bonuses at 11:01pm my time, but that was evidently tomorrow on daily bonus time, so they weren’t available today. :frowning:

I’m not saying I want it, & I want it now! And I’m not saying do this or I’m quitting. I’m just I hope this is something that is considered!

Squeaky wheel, right? LOL