Fun, positive club seeking a great team player!

I had issues with clubs that were not so great in the past, but I am glad I joined 2nd Best Player. If you are the right person, you will say the same! The only REQUIREMENTS are 3,500 club points daily (most players go beyond but not required), 21 hour idle unless communicated otherwise. We are a club of positive and sometimes silly members. Some of us are more talkative but others aren’t, and that’s OK! We only ask/expect for players to state when they max a club quest and when they know they are not able to play. We are at Platinum level. We also have an awesome positive team leader . We “lub da club”, an example of our silliness.
There is no club pressure to win, only our desire to win for the club. Team work makes the dream work! The ad will be up till we find the right fit :slight_smile:

2nd Best Player


Looking for a new club. Lmk. All you said sounds perfect :call_me_hand:t3:


If still looking, let me know! 2nd Best Player!

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This sounds like just what I’m looking for!

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I am unhappy with the club I am in. I was in a great one and accidentally joined another. My club never posts anything. Boring!!!

That is a bummer. We just got a new opening due to a player’s emergency. Just saying…:slight_smile: