Friend sharing: 1000 coins or 3000 coins?

Coin sharing yields 3000 coins for some users and 1000 coins for others. Why the disparity? Is there a minimum level that unlocks the higher 3000 coin sharing amount?

I have seen several people ask this question yet it remains unanswered.



This has been “testing” for a very long time. Not sure what the deal is with that, it’s unfortunate, everyone should be collecting the same friend coins.
Nagging has worked for some, constantly replying to the ticket to be removed from.the test.


Hi @Tracy
I have been pestering them. I hope it works. :thinking:


Yeah it ticks me off …especially since I spend real money on this dumb game…every other person in my club gets the 3k


Hi @Sosume
I agree and have asked them nicely to make it fair for all.
My fingers are crossed :pray:


I asked about this too and got the “testing” reply. Geez, how long do they do testing? Make it even particularly for people in groups.


Please remind me how I submit a ticket about this problem. Thanks.

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Go to where the profile picture is and click on that then go to Help. It will open up a Help page then at the bottom, hit the contact us button and go from there.


I have noticed that also, been playing for a long time, get 3,000 coins each. A new player on our team who just started playing a few months ago, only gets 1,000 coins. I wonder if they will ever change it for the newer players so they can have some coins too

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We have three players on our team only getting 1000 coin/friend as well. Two are mid Tiki Skies levels and the other is Tiki Seas, this doesn’t not make sense! Numerous complaints and we all get the same generic reply…they are doing testing in friend center…for 3 months tho? NOT FAIR to these players at all!


I’ve been getting the same message about the testing for months now ready to dump the game myself


I agree - all players should get the 3000 coins each from friends. Let’s make it fair & equal.


Several members in the club have expressed the same comcern. Few say it depends on the device being used. My thought on this matter maybe the length a player has been playing the game or top three at the end of each tourament week. Personally, have no complaints, it is what it is and I’ happy to have the extra coins.

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I got the same message again that I’ve been getting right along about the supposedly testing taking place. I’m finally up in tiki seas and once was the leader of my group but had to give it up because I didn’t think it was fair to my group that I couldn’t keep up due to not being able to play because of lack of coins. I’ve been playing this for just shy of a year and had the same response from tri peaks for about 6 months