Foreign Language Speakers

Several of my club members speak a foreign language, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew. They have a little English, but find the help menu impossible. I try to help as much as I can with screen shots, but is there anything anyone could suggest.

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I’ve copied (by hand) some comments to google translate and back (also by hand). Most challenging was a name in Korean that only shows in the chat but blank in the member list (Really, Tripeaks?), but I figured out how to address the member at least, using the English translation for their name. Would love to hear more ideas!

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Thanks Jeb. I filled out the Help Request as if I had the problem. Then took a screen shot and shared it with my player. I encouraged her to exactly copy what I wrote. Not sure how she made out. She uses a translator to chat and really tries. Words like quest can be an issue though.

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