FOOD QUIZ: What's Your Favorite Irish Food or Drink?

I’d love to try something, I’ve never even heard of most of the things listed !!

Irish stew made with Guinness.

Favorite food is Corn Beef Cabbage. Drink is Baileys

Cornbeef and cabbage

One of my favorite comfort food and a family staple is shepherds pie.
:yum: :beer: :shamrock: :ireland:

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Definitely not the black pudding made with pork blood.Corned beef and cabbage although not a traditional St.Paddys Day meal in Ireland is the best. And I never met a potato I didnt like so cottage pie topped with mash is delicious or Shepherd’s pie if you prefer lamb.Soda bread with a good knob of butter on the side.Yumm

Every St. Patrick’s Day for about 45 years I’ve fixed Corned Beef with cabbage, & young potatoes, Irish Soda Bread with raisins, & Lemon Meringue Pie (filling tinted light green😉). Guinness Beer, too!
My mom always carried out this tradition as far back as I can remember, & now my son does, after helping me fix this delicious meal for years! We even made our own Corned Beef several years! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May ye all have the Luck of the Irish! :wink::shamrock:

Shepherds Pie and a Guiness stout! May I have some Irish soda bread with butter with my meal please? Then I’ll have a pint or 3 more!

Yum! :four_leaf_clover: I can’t wait! 3/17 is St Patty a leprechaun? :rainbow: :gift_heart: :sparkling_heart::green_heart::sparkling_heart::two_hearts::revolving_hearts::heartbeat:
:yum::star::beer::beers::bread::beer: :shamrock: :four_leaf_clover:
Guiness and make sure there’s carpet for a soft landing!lol Bartender! Irish whiskey for my friend and I please! And irish soda bread to sop some up in my tummy.

i loooooves me some haggis!!

Never Had That. Sounds Interesting

Love Irish Stew with Soda Bread

I don’t drink but I’ll just say Irish coffee

Polish sausage and kraut, fried cabbage with bacon and onions, and Irish cream pie for dessert

Soda bread everyvtime

My favorite is corned beef and cabbage!

Mmmmm corned beef :yum: and a car :bomb: with Jameson, bailey’s and Guinness

I like Irish Stew and Soda Bread.

Id have to say its the soda bread​:revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

Corned beef and haddock