Flew the Coop - Looking for a few good players!!^

Hi everyone - We’re searching high and low, far and wide for a few good people to join our “family” – reliable players who show up daily, are competitive, and still wanna have fun.
Though there are currently just 20 of us, we still complete all Perks each week, but now we want to move back up the ranks, so we want a full roster again, players who will help us get back into top 200 (or better, of course).
Our team requirements are modest (2500/daily, no 24 hr absence, read chat), and though we all contribute more than “the minimum” rules, this low requirement allows players to remain on the team even if “life happens,” as we do understand that there IS life after TriPeaks (REALLY!!).
If you’d like to be part of our online “family” please send a JOIN REQUEST to our team (Flew the Coop) and we’ll add you, space permitting.
Hope to “see” you there. Good luck, and may the cards be kind!
Nora :wink:


Do I have to remove myself before requesting to join you? I’d like to belong to a more active club.


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You can request to join a club without removing yourself first. There are several on the forum looking for players. If you connect with them and they will take you then yes, you will need to remove yourself to join. They should be able to send you a join request first tho.