Dirty Martikis is looking for 3-4 committed, friendly players to join our solitaire family!

Looking for 3-4 committed players to join Dirty Martikis.

We used to be named “Fun club” but there were too many clubs with the same name which made it difficult to find us and recruit new members. Rebuilding in hopes to attract new members.

We are a solid Platinum team but would like to make it to Diamond once in a while. We are currently at the top in Rookie since we just created this club a couple days ago. We expect to blast through to Platinum quickly.

Most of us have been together for over 5 years, and we are a friendly group of people!

Main rules are:

  1. 3.5k point daily, 24.5k weekly, however most average above the weekly minimum.
  2. Chat is required. We are very friendly, so don’t be shy! New members must post in chat that they’ve read the rules after joining.
  3. Club Quests are mandatory. Post “maxed” in chat.
  4. No idle for more than 24 hours. We are very understanding about life events and commitments that may happen, so as long as you let us know you are expecting limited play, that is okay!
  5. No Guests! Any Guests must change their name after joining or will be removed.

We like to play the club competitions and races, but these are completely optional. We only ask that you hit your daily requirements and max quests before qualifying. Comps/races become mandatory only if you have qualified.

If you have any questions about our club, please feel free to ask.

Our club is currently open, so please join!

Have a martini and let’s get TIKI!

Mari (club leader)


Love your new name! Im already in a club i like with very similar requirements. Good luck!

Send me an Invite to club Pancakes. User name DewZ. Tyia

Dirty Martikis is still looking for longterm players to join our solitaire family. We have several spots open, and our club is currently public. Our rules are pretty simple, and we are very lenient as long as you communicate. We can usually get Goldie back by Sat/Sun after reset if we have a team of 20+ members, but we are currently down to 15.

All players are welcome whether you are just a beginner or a seasoned player. All we ask is for you to communicate with team mates. We are very friendly, so don’t be shy!

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Please send me a request if you have an opening. My current team, Aim for the top, is currently disbanding. I play daily, max everything, chat and follow rules. Thanks, Spartan from Aim for The Top.

We have several openings. Club is currently open and would love to have you as a part of the team. I checked your club out but didn’t see you there. If you’re still interested in joining please come on down!
