Daily player seeking new diamond or platinum club

I’m a daily player, averaging 50k points per week. I was removed from a club to make room for some people that had been on vacation so they could collect the perks, even though I was on target to meet club minimums and had been with them for months. :frowning: I am looking for a diamond club or a platinum club working on moving up to diamond. I prefer a club that is friendly and has a family feel.

@linnylooper, Fabulous Tiki is looking for 2 players who can meet daily minimums and work on club quests. We’re a friendly club with members who chat regularly. We’re a diamond team that dropped to platinum at reset, but expect to move back up to diamond next reset. Requirements are 6k daily (42k per week). New players are expected to get 2k points before going idle. Let us know in chat if you will be idle more than 12 hours.

It sounds like you would be a great fit for our club. Let me know if you’re interested or just search for us. We’re a public club.

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#pickled would love to have you. Newer group. We were #8 gold level. Made 5 perks. We are growing and working hard together to move up

Winners Only would love to have you. We were a diamond club who got demoted to Platinum last night due to the loss of 2 great players.

Karma is a new platinum club, has 3 openings and you sound like a perfect fit. We would love for you to join, and you would love us!

Viaggio Mentale has an opening for an active player - min. Is 40k per week. Very friendly and sometimes silly club - but we get our Perks and quests done. Members from all over the world.

The friend club has that family feel! Check us out and ask to join! We r pretty relaxed and have fun, we bounce between legend and diamond! If your interested check us out!

Hi! We would love to have you in our family. We chat and support everyone everyday! Please join us in Tiki Central, we are the Team and family you’re missing!

Tribute Chasers is a great club. We are platinum looking to move up. We get all perks.

Hi Linny! Please come check us out at Tiki Central! We are a Platinum Club and have a ton of fun! We hope you come for a visit and stay indefinitely!

Hi Linnylooper,

Search for “Crazy Cats”.

We are a platinum league that moves up and down between that and diamond. Our minimum reqs are daily play, 25k each cycle, work the CQs and perks together. We have some top scores around 60k - 90k ish weekly, our average players around 40k - 45k. We have a couple of open slots. Check us out and see if you think we might be a match.


Come join DISTRACTIONS 1st place platinum team!

Strategic Perks is a Platinum League Club looking for a daily player that can help with tributes and CQ’s. We are a very fun, friendly team looking to move up to Diamond! Would love someone that could do 40k a week, if possible!! :grin:

Pathlesstravel is looking for a good player. We finish all perks every week and are a close family of players. Mins are 3k before 1st idle 15k by Saturday 45k weekly. Please request or message with any questions.

Hi Linny, try our group we meet all your criteria and are a very caring family friendly group Bellas Angels

Hi, we are looking for someone like you. Please come and join us you won’t be disappointed. WILLOWS PEAK

We are the team for you! Infamous is a Diamond league club and we work really well together. Did I mention we have a lot of fun and tons of joking and laughs thru chat. We would love to have you!!

Perkallstars is the club for you. We fluctuate between diamond and legend. We are looking for loyal players that do not leave when the chips are down. Welcome to our team.

Join Winners Only. One of the only public Diamond League clubs. Drama free.

Check out Infamous. Diamond, get all perks and tons of fun chat. Drama free!