Daily bonus award problems

My daily bonus award today was a god tiki for 30 mins. I already receive a gold tiki at the beginning of every play as a result of completing a perk that gives you that bonus. Maybe if that’s the case your second card flip should also be a gold tiki. How do I suggest this to the game?

That’s interesting! Tripeaks does read the posts on here, but you may also send them feedback through the game by clicking on you profile picture you will see the help option, and click on the “still need help?” Follow the steps from there


That was my daily reward today also. I don’t know if they will pop up after the session ends or not, but rotten for those of us who already have the Tiki.

Nice but I feel it would better to use at you chose instead of 1st n 2nd cards like wilds n volcanos I think would be awesome

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@Joy_Johnson_Milby & @Kokua, what day are you on?

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I had the same thing… just a waste of daily reward

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Somewhere around 35. I can’t remember what my reward for the Day was. Lol


TY Nokia, I wonder if it’s the same for everyone. I think I’m around day 24. I’ll be watching for Goldie (the golden tiki) in about a week then LOL

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