Curious about Rest Clubs

I’m curious about starting a rest club. My team has great core players, but every week something keeps one or more from contributing their required points. Can anyone give me some info or advice about how rest clubs work?


@CindyLu would be great help!


I love having rest clubs! I also use my rest clubs as recruiting clubs, and have found many great players by inviting then to our test club, and seeing if they are a good fit for our main club before inviting them there lol.

You’ll need a second account in TriPeaks to have a second club. You can accomplish that simply by logging out on your game. You can play that logged out account, but beware, if anything happens to that device, you’ll lose the progress on that account, and won’t be able to access your rest club.

The best thing is to create a new FB account, and log on to that account when playing your rest club TriPeaks account.

I would also suggest keeping minimums very small in your rest club, because the higher you set the minimum, the more time you’ll have to spend making points in that club too. Lol

Hope this helps. Let me/us know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:


Sounds like to much work for me Lol :slight_smile:


I know right? It is extra work, but to me it’s worth it when I don’t have to remove someone forever. They are still part of our team, even while they can’t play as much. :slight_smile:


What is a resting club?


A rest club is like a vacation club. Most clubs have two clubs where they can swap players back and forth. If you have 1 player who is going to be busy or is sick etc that player can be moved to the lower club and 1 from that club can be moved up. Hope that makes sense.
Me personally only have 1 club which takes up most of my time lol


Thank you very much, that makes sense. I appreciate it


Thanks for the input. It does sound like a lot of work! You’re very dedicated CindyLu !


How does a player find a rest club?

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No, I’d say most players don’t have that option. But if you need to not play so much for your team, we have room in our rest club. :slight_smile:

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Thanks CindyLu. I found a new club by searching for club with"rest" in the name, then chose one that met my needs.Hope this idea helps someone else.


Awesome @CJgame! I’m glad you found a club, and that’s a great tip!

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