Contacting leader??

Is there any way to contact a leader of a club OTHER than the club notes messages? I joined a club that (a) is full but ALL the members, except the leader, have been inactive for 200+ days! Some up to 3 years inactive. And (b) the acting leader was promoted to leader because the former leader had been inactive for a long time. I have posted a message to this promoted leader every day, with no answer. She plays, but NEVER posts messages and I don’t even think she checks the club messages. She accepted my friend request, and sends and asks for coins and plays daily, BUT never answers. I’ve asked to be a co leader but as I said, she doesn’t she k or reply to the club notes. Is there ANY other way to co tact this leader?? Thanks!

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You can try through Facebook messenger but other that no.
My question to you is why would you want to stay in a club with non active members? We have room in our club if you’d like to join. Name is Tipsy Tiki’s.


How many points do you receive each week as we have room in ours we called sonnynkelly 1st in gold league but require 25k upwards and 200 tributes and daily play too if think that would suit send request as me personally would not stay there with how un active they are you womt recieve good benefits there su h as coins

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The best approach is to find another club. People try the game and decide it’s not for them or something more interesting comes along and they abandon the game.

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There is no other way that I know of. I definitely would find another Club to join. You’re welcome to join my Club, Tiki Central. We have one spot open. We’d be happy to have you!


Mermaid Lake would be happy to have you.

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I’m in the same boat. The current leader was promoted and is the only player that plays besides me. I tried to contact her about kicking out a bunch of members that have been idle for YEARS so we could recruit. No answer. I love the game and am competitive but not fanatical :slightly_smiling_face: I haven’t tried another club because I’m a bit intimidated by some of their requirements

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Don’t be intimidated by the requirements. I’m not sure what league you are in, but find a club that will fit your level of play. The game is so much more fun when you are playing with other people. Look for a club that doesn’t have a majority of idle players. If everyone plays just a little bit, there are great rewards for everyone.


That is exactly the same situation as me Sher74!


Thank you everyone who replied! I guess I will have to join another club at this point. :wink:


What requirements do the rest of you have for your clubs? I try to play some in the evenings after work to wind down and relax. I may miss a day or 2 but NEVER longer then 2. I just discovered this game this past summer, so I’m no pro lol

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@hayleyscomett, we have 5 clubs with different requirements, depending on how much you can play. If you are a fanatic, and earn mega points, but then need to not play as much because something happens in your life, we won’t boot you - we invite you to one of our clubs that don’t require as much.

If you are interested in joining our family, let me know. And also tell me how many points you are comfortable earning per week, so we can get you into the right team for you.

Here is our club info (even though it’s a little out of date because we have 5 clubs, not 4 LOL) If you decide this sounds good, let me know here - I rarely accept requests to join without having contact with a person :slight_smile:

Join the Play4perks Menagerie


Ours is a competitive club diamond/legend with 49k/week but there are so many to choose from I’m sure you’ll find a good match. If not the next club then move again

Would love to have you at Tiki torchers. We have only 23 people right now and are a Platinum team even though we were down to 18 people a month ago.

Hi, I read about your clubs. I finally left the club I was in, Arizona Sand, tonight. I sent a request to join p4p2 and I received a message that you weren’t accepting new players but when I looked, there was a slot open or I wouldn’t have made the request. Rereading your post here, I see I should have contacted you first. I’m just tired of being the only player on a team that plays regularly. :woman_shrugging: Thanks for listening and I will continue to look :slightly_smiling_face:


@Sher74, I really like being able to see how people are doing in their current club before accepting them into ours. If you can do 10,000 points a week, I’d love to have you, especially because we now have a way to communicate! Do it again, and I’ll accept you!

Come join Steezy. We have no requirements and do very little chattering. In fact, I"m about the only one that says anything. We simply play and share coins etc. No pressure whatsoever. I"m the leader and I only delete someone after they haven’t played for a week.

Steezy has plenty of room for you. NO requirements other than to not go longer than 7 days w/o playing. Simple and easy.

I think you are pretty much out of luck. Doesn’t seem like she wants to be bothered. Try joining another club. We have one opening in our club.
Some read chat some respond at times. But they not chat to much. But they do once in awhile. I would just change clubs. When that many are not playing you probably don’t get many of the perks finished.

I made my own team. I have the problem where my team ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT communicate with me. I find it quite aggravating!

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