Completing Quests

Will everybody send a message to management about letting their entire club finish the last hour of a quest? Every club, I’m sure, has a member or two where sometimes they just can’t finish their part of a quest and everybody else loses out because of it.


Yeppers! I have sent that one in multiple times!


I hope more people will. They finally got enough requests about the friend center that they changed it back to 15000 every 4 hours for most people. Several in my group said they are back to getting 15000 again. It’s helped a lot too. More people can play more but there’s still ones that may not be able to at certain times.


I’d be happy if they’d open it up to just us leaders and co-leaders the last hour to finish it up. We’ve lost quests repeatedly by just a few points/games, etc.


that would be fine with me. The group I’m in has two people that have had surgeries recently and another whose husband had it and they just did not have time to do the quest.

Let your members finish it,for me its not worthwile to discus 1 wild or 8k coins???

That’s the problem though. Some don’t finish it. Our group lost out on 14000 coins because the members who had not done their part of the quest did not finish the last 500 points.