Collecting Tributes per Perk

Can anyone tell me how many tributes we need to collect per perk? Or even per 1,000 club points? I have a teammate who doesn’t collect tributes. If they have 15,000 club points, I want to know how many tributes I need to collect to keep up with the volcano.

I already know the club points:
Perk 1: 5,000
Perk 2: 15,000
____________ 20,000
Perk 3: 35,000
____________ 55,000
Perk 4: 70,000 (When it has a wild card in it: 80,000)
____________ 135,000
Perk 5: 150,000
____________ 285,000
Perk 6: 300,000 (When it has a volcanocard in it: 350,000)

Total: 575,000 (with extra’s in perk 4 & 6: 635,000)

Perk 7:
with a holdcard on Monday: 475,000 (sometimes 450,000)
Extra perk on Tuesday: 250,000
Booster perk on Wednesday. 85,000

Personally we don’t collect x amount of tributes per perk, however we set a rule that memebers have x amount of tributes before end of perk. If a member plays and wins without playing tribute stages, they are actually causing the volcano to rise. Even though our club has a set amount of tributes requirements, we all go beyond.


I only know it takes 60 tributes to cool after it erupts.

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That would totally be your judgement. I know when we first took over the club we had tribute minimums 150 by reset, this was a struggle for us, hot volcano.
We are a platinum club that gets all 6 perks and 7 if its less than 250k.
Than we dropped it to 100. We lost alot of good players because of tribute requirements. After many months of tweaking we completely eliminated mandatory tributes. We have players that always play tributes no matter what, and we have players that detest them but do play a few and assist if the volcano is hot.
On that note we do have a very good team, we don’t have an issue of the volcano going crazy, so we remain on the honor system, help out, do a few.
This has worked for us, we ended up with alot of long term players.
Now this system won’t work for everybody obviously, you can only work with the hand you are dealt with.
If you have long term players, get their feedback, that’s what we did and it actually worked in our favor


Our team requires players to collect 1% of club points in tributes. We never have a problem with the volcano.

As said before, tributes don’t help with perks but club points do. However, the amount of club points awarded is higher for tribute games. Plus the tributes are the only way to cool the volcano. We require a set amount of tributes each week.

Short answer is, for every 1000 cp earned not playing tributes, volcano goes up one amber bar. It takes 15 tributes to cool that 1 amber bar back down

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