Coin request every 8 hours

It happened to me today. Hard to compete with half the points.


Mine has changed as well only every 8hr with 5 friends giving coins, and others on my team can every 4hr. I really donā€™t think this is fare I play as much as I can and have a full time job as well, I finish in the top 3 every week, they are just making the game harder all the time and we get nothing for playing consistently I have been playing this game for 3 years might not play for much longer :pleading_face::disappointed:


Iā€™ve been laying for3 years but I think Iā€™ll delete the game now.


Really stinks. Some are collecting 60k, some 36, some 30. How can you compete on an uneven field. What is wrong with the developers. Now, this week, some in the club were offered a special chest if they completed the 4 weekly quests. Some were not offered this and, in fact, knew nothing of this special opportunity. Why is this happening?


Im right there with you, this is crap. I canā€™t help my team or myself with my game play if i cant get the coins. What the hell are they doing. Talk about unfair. Just ridiculous with all these changes. Pick a way and leave it .


Mine changed to every 4 hours and 3 friends also.

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Welcome to the Forum @LadyDee

I think I might be a little late but when welcoming you.

I wanted to say that you have obviously been playing a lot longer than me so know what is different and what you are missing.

I have only been playing since September as has the majority of my team so it has been interesting reading these posts and finding out what what we are apparently missing out on. Thankfully with long-term players like yourself commenting we can also send in feedback to let TriPeaks know what we do not have and what we would like; something we would not be able to do without posts such as your own.

Yup, Iā€™m a team leader & Iā€™ve been on the testing for weeks, too. I just had won of my team members complain today that it just happened to her. There is a lot of unfairness going on here!


You know what is really unfair. I am a subject of the Treasure Shrine testing and have last week also now become a subject of the Friend Center testing.

Someone suggested, everybody should go and give Solitaire Tripeaks a 1 rating in the playstore.

I am so frustrated because I cannot contribute to my club as I used to and my red stars are also affected, because they have made it even harder to win a game. Always left with 1 or 2 cards.


This gifts every 8 hours is very crappy. If you keep doing things to take coins away, Iā€™ll spend out my coins and leave for good. You keep manipulating settings so that players have to purchase coins to play. I used to buy but Iā€™m not going to do it again! The creators are greedy! I understand wanting to make moneyā€”-but gouging is ridiculous! Get things straightened out if you want this app to be viable.


Mine is also every 8 hours. Iā€™m going to stop playing now.


Also, go to the app store and rate the game and write a review Your opinion matters there


I agree. Itā€™s not fair and 8hrs means I get 2 asks. I donā€™t stay up 24 Hours. They just keep reducing perk payoffs and now ths


Totally agree do give them 1 starā€¦


Yes, I would have to agree since it just happened and do feel bad for those who waits 8 hours for over 2 months/longer now. I asked them when the testing would be completed since they keep adding more and more players instead for several months now, but I have yet to see an answer.

When my money runs out. I am fed up all these penny pinching. Measures and will finish with this club itā€™s not worth the hassle


I have no idea why they change this to begin with. Getting 60k everyday worked out well. Now itā€™s every 4 hrs which isnā€™t feasible for everyone, also some players can only collect from 3 players every 4 hrs while others can only collect from 5 players every 8 hrs. Stop limiting the amount of friends we can collect from.

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I guess no GSN admin can come and comment on this

They should at least tell us how long this psuedo test is going to continue. No ethics here.


I was changed to that 8 hour thing weeks ago - hate it. I agree - all or nothing