Club Spotlight: Play to Stay

Read all about it here:

And then post below about the funniest person you’ve ever met (even if it’s you) and one example of what it is that made you laugh - a joke? a comment? the way they handled a situation?

We will choose 5 comments at random and award those authors with a Wild Card on Friday!


My dad was the funniest person I have ever met with his dry sense of humor


Mon c’était mon beau frère le plus drôle, il savait imité plusieurs personnalités dans la petite vie émissions que plusieurs connaissent et plusieurs autres personnage publics et dans le mon de la musique, il prenait même le temps de ce vêtir de costume du personnage pour être plus près de son rôle mais toujours dans l’esprit de nous faire rire Je me souviendrez toujours de toi Daniel avec le sourire au lèvre


The funniest person I have ever met was a man who could be Robin Williams. He looked like him, sounded like him, acted goofy like him and had mannerisms like him. There were so many things he did that brought laughter but for me it had to be when he became Mork. You would have sworn it was the real Robin Williams. I will always miss the actor Robin Williams, amy he rest in peace.


My uncle deb was the funniest person I ever knew, he could always make you laugh. I miss you uncle deb.


Carlos Mencia! And he’s super nice as well!


My mother and I were in Las Vegas and were leaving the gambling area to go and rest. The next thing I saw was my mother walking into a mirror that was the full length of a wall. Then she apologized to the lady she bumped into which was herself. I couldn’t stop it from happening and couldn’t stop laughing after. We both laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face.


I met a lady this past weekend while working the early voting here in OKC. She was 94 y/o, pretty sharp and quite a pistol. I was helping her out with her ballot by reading it to her and helping mark it…her son had brought her up there but she made him wait in the lobby so he wouldn’t see how she voted. Anyway we got to the part asking if the present state supreme & criminal justices should stay at their posts. Belive me when I say she had a comment about all of them along with extremely colorful words. We got to this one judge and she wasn’t sure who he was and what he stood for etc. She thought about it for a few seconds and finally gave me her answer…“well I guess he probably already has his desk set up the way he likes it so I will vote to let him stay.” She had me just about peeing my pants between that comment and the others. A person that was near us heard the reason she voted for the judge and told her that was a “shameful” reason to keep someone in office. She turned to him and said "its a better reason than voting for any politician just because they have an “R” or “D” after their name. He turned back to his ballot without saying anything else…lol…mic drop


The funniest person I met or rather know, would have to be my son Jonnie. He makes me smile or even crack up on a regular basis. Just about every single day he says or does something that makes me laugh or even smile. He was diagnosed with Aspergers which is an Autism spectrum disorder.


I’m the funniest person I know I laugh at my own jokes :joy::joy::joy:!


The funniest person I ever met was my uncle. He was always telling jokes and so full of life!

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Here I thought I was gonna be unique, and you ruined it with the (even if it’s you) statement, thanks a lot for destroying my sense of individuality, hurling me into the realm of commonplace, reminding me that there are at least a million people who think similarly to myself. Total heartbreak. The reality of the suckiness of life rears it’s ugly head once again. I’m almost inclined to say to heck with you balloon poppers and delete my game, just to be spiteful, yet I’m not that way, I’m just funny enough to appreciate the irony of the situation. You can still go to
H-E-double hockey sticks, if you wouldn’t mind. Love ve your game by the way, just a few complaints, main one would be that I wish we were able to save our 30 minute bonuses we receive in our daily log in rewards and use them at our convenience, sometimes they coincide with the daily advantages available to everyone, making them a waste. I can’t believe you actually read this whole thing, I hope you get paid enough.

Funniest person, well that’s a hard one everyone I know is a jokester. But my son takes the Jokers Card out of them all. Example… We were out the other night and I seen this person I went to school with and we just never got along. So I said to my son , " Dont look now but that’s my evil nemesis" My son turns to me and says “Relax Batman, you could always call the Batmobile if you really wanted to hide from your Nemesis” haha ya funny guy he is.

Jerry Lewis was the funniest person I admired.

The funniest person I know is Joseph my husband. He is hilarious

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My daughter is the funniest. One time she was going to say she forgot and the remembered something…sge was excited and instead it came out as fermembered …now we will just say I formembered blah blah…it saves a lot of time…lol

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My brother Robby was the funniest person I ever met. Always cracking jokes and quick witted.

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The funniest person I know would have to be my grandpa. He’s a Vietnam vet and loves to crack jokes. Even when he’s having bad days, and not really in the mood he always knows how to make me laugh!

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I met Joan Riverson an airplane.

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Thanks everyone!

Sounds like you know some funny people. Thanks for leaving your comments!

5 folks were chosen at random (using the website). The following folks should see a Wild Card in their ingame Inbox now. :slight_smile:


Have a great weekend!