Club Spotlight: Play everyday

When in high school, my sister gave me a tennis racket for Christmas. She gave my other sister, Rosemary one too. I was less than thrilled. But Rosemary offered to pay for my tennis lessons if I would take them with her. I did, and loved it. Turned out I was a decent player too. I played for my high school team, and even played one year in college.


Having fun makes better players. Just saying


I switched from 1 club to another due to the 1st club not completing quests and not getting past perk 4. At 1st the new club was great, completing quests and hitting at least perk 5 but now this club is going down hill too. May be time to find a new one again.


I switched clubs after becoming frustrated in my gold league club. There was exactly zero chatting, no quests completed and I felt like i was the only one really pushing to finish perks and was always in the number one spot for contributors at reset. I spent a lot of time looking for a new team and landed on We Want Perks! They added me even though I am a fairly new player. Today I am only occasionally in the top three for contributors but I never ever fewl like I’m working alone. I had many invites to other groups, even a legend league, but I know I found the team for me. I am loving getting to know the other members thru chat and the way we cheer each other on. AND if you decide to do another double gift day its like Christmas on our team so go right ahead and roll another one out! Switching was a game changer for me!


It took almost a year to find the perfect club, but it sadly disintegrated shortly after I joined. I was lucky enough to find another great group who also helped me through the game. They are smart, friendly, funny, and introduced me to the Facebook coin swap. Hope I’m home, now!


Went up a level to a good platinum club and learned a lot about the game. Everyone working together is great fun. Having said that, we could still use 3 or 4 good players. Hint hint. Team is Moose Loose (how can you not like that?)


I was in a club that dwindled until it was just me and one other. I checked out the clubs and joined a public one that had a dozen members and the game is SO much more fun now!


I don’t like removing players but I have too when they haven’t been online for 17 days it holds the team back I just wish I could get them all to unlock the club gift even though I can see them active and ask them to unlock it they ignore me anyone else having this problem since I started my own group I play hard and need to motivate my team anyone got any suggestions tried dynamite :firecracker: didn’t work :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


It’s hard to tell what is going to be the right group, at first. I switched clubs a little over 2 years ago and have been with the same core group since. Leaders have abandoned us, and we’ve been forced to form a new team. Even with a new name, it’s still the same team. A few false starts later, and we finally have a dream team.


I got booted from the first club while I was getting the hang of the game. But that turned out to be a good thing as it gave me the opportunity to explore a new club. And that club was “Jackson” where I have felt right at home. Our club leaders do a good job encouraging everyone to do their best and also making everyone feel welcome.


I was in a club previously that fizzled out to just being me. Found Butterfly Kiss, new club. We have fun and race for the top of the leader board.


The club I was in was a good club but they didn’t play as much as I do so I changed club, we hit perks n quests, the leader is vicky, shes kind hearted understanding and as a club we all work together and have banter, the club 8m in nw makes me want to play more


My club motivates me to achieve while having fun


Love my club. It makes me play better


I like the team I’m on. I’ve been asked by other teams but the team I’m on is pretty cool!!!


I just want to thank @who… At least that is her game name. During a Friday flip, she stopped by our club. I was instantly addicted to this game, but after just a few of her post about game play, the forum, and Facebook page, my game play has intensified and has ignited my competitive side. @WHO definitely switched things up for me and I didn’t get a chance to say thank you, but if I find her again, I’ll follow her lead :grin:


I love the team I am on. Kathy and Scott are awesome leaders.


You can be highlighted! I answered all those questions and sent it in! That’s all ya gotta do!


Jennifer, you can come try The Garden, I am a Co leader, my name is Leslie, I use Les in the game, about half of our players run 15 to 25k a week, we are trying to build a good team.


I joined Army ROTC IN COLLEGE . It started as a lark but ultimately proved to be one of my most life changing decisions . I learned discipline, responsibility, challenged my fear of heights while rappelling , crossing rope bridges etc . Only a few women back then , and the men were not always pleased . Respect had to be earned , not a token gift .
I found out more about myself , learned resiliency and that I am my own worst enemy IF I ALLOW MYSELF TO BE . Enough said