Club Spotlight: FunJam

I ordered it my way at Burger King…and it really wasn’t


I told my sister Jacqueline that she was adopted from France when she was 10 years old. She believed me until she was about 20 when she asked my mom and found out the truth!


Those were good times! Now i’m on the other end of the stick! Lol


I am too much of a Sweet Polly to tell a whopper, or so they say.


I always lied in confession so I wouldn’t have to say so many prayers :slight_smile:


I came across it one day at work because I was bored


Fun stuff! We have all fibbed about our age at some point!!


Wrecked the car while skipping school. Told parents it was after school


I told my job that my sister had broken her leg and I had to leave to go and see about her when I was actually trying to make it to the club cuz it was Ladies night and if you got there early enough you can get in free they shouldn’t have believed me because I didn’t even have a car to go and see about her I had to call a ride​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


When I was a kid I was supposed to be in the house doing dishes while my mom was in town. Instead I was goofing around playing on the tractor (we lived on a farm). I fell off and broke my arm. I knew I’d be in trouble for not doing was I was supposed to be doing. So I finished dishes with a broken arm and went to bed. Got up in the morning and said my arm hurt…and never told how it happened!


My aunt got me a gift and letter tried to get me to believe santa was real when was young didnt believe though


Told my mom I was at my girlfriends for a sleepover but really we drove from MI to OH to go to cedar point. Pre cellphones so yep we got away with it.


The pizza delivery guy delivered our pizza to our house. I ate a piece before bringing it to the kitchen. Closed the lid and put it on the counter. My husband opened the box and asked what happened to the pizza. I told him the delivery guy looked hungry and gave him a piece! Believed me at first. But, knew me better.


when I was 16, I told my parents I put my car in the ditch because an animal ran in front of me. but ideas actually just playing around with my manual transmission and popping the clutch on the snowy icy road. my mom bought it, but since my dad was the one who had to pull me out, I’m pretty sure he saw all the slide marks in the snow that were up and down the road. he never did say anything though:)


When i was a teen, I “ran away”. I threw out my purse and said I was kidnapped.


I don’t believe I KNOW there is Santa I played that role for 35 years


Fun stuff! We have all fibbed about our age at some point!


Worked in a bar until I turned 21. Then once I was old enough I quit.

If one were to take this Club’s answers at face value, then allow us to present to you the OLDEST CLUB IN THE WORLD! Ah, but alas… we’re sticklers for the truth, and that truth is that this Club was created on March 8th, 2018. Still, these guys sound like a lot of fun…

Read the full story here: Club Spotlight: FunJam – Solitaire Tripeaks Blog

Then comment below about the biggest whopper you’ve ever told, and whether or not you got away with it. We’ll give 5 authors chosen at random a whopping FIVE WILD CARDS on Friday.

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I played fast pitch in h.s., each practice started with a 1/2 mile run. I hated doing it so I told my coach I had a trick knee and the long run made it worse. Went through an entire season without having to do it.


As a teenager I once told my mom I was pregnant. She believed me! I looked at her and was surprised. I was single! I know, I know, but I wasn’t hooking up either! Lol